2023-03-16 :: O.A. Yakimenko on the development of urban mobility
On March 14, the head of projects on sustainable development and Internet technologies of the Leontief Center O.A. Yakimenko made a presentation "Plans for the development of sustainable urban mobility" at the scientific-practical conference "Planning urban transport systems: quality, accessibility, efficiency" (Moscow).
The conference included an effective discussion of the following issues: transport planning in the context of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, changing the paradigm and approaches, urban development - from plans to reality, plans for the development of sustainable urban mobility, the role of transport planning documents in the development of public passenger transport, the draft Digital Concept transformations in the field of traffic management, sustainable development of public transport in Russian cities, practical implementation of algorithms for optimizing the route networks of cities, transport and urban planning aspects of the development of urban transport systems, Russian transport modeling tool and others.
More than 240 people took part in the conference.
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