2015-11-20 :: International Forum of Crossborder Regions
On November 19-20, International Forum of Crossborder Regions was held in Pskov, which was attended by Elena Belova, Scientific Secretary of ICSER "Leontief Centre" and Olga Yakimenko, Head of Internet Projects and Marketing Communications. They have presented a report on the theme "International tourism claster VIA Hanseatica: prospects of interregional and crossborder cooperation".
Forum was held in preparation to International Hanseatic Days of New Time and participation of Pskov region in new period of CBC programs 2014-2020 "Estonia-Russia" and "Latvia-Russia". The main Forum objective - promotion of social and economic development of crossborder areas by means of integration projects in the field of business, civil society development and interaction between all levels of government. Forum also created optimal conditions for discussion of practical issues of crossborder cooperation and the search for new mechanisms of interaction between crossborder regions of Russian Federation and foreign contries.
Forum Programme
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