2015-09-21 :: September 21, 2015. Meeting of the Economic Council


The regular meeting of the Economic Council took place in Smolny Palace on the 21st of September. Irina Karelina, Director General of Leontief Centre, attended a meeting. 





Today the regular meeting of the Economic Council under the Governor of St. Petersburg in Smolny under the chairmanship of             Georgy Poltavchenko was held.

There were discussed questions about strategic planning in St. Petersburg and measures to stimulate economic growth. 

Georgy Poltavchenko pointed out that within the framework of the Federal Law № 172 "On the strategic planning in the Russian Federation" in June 2015 Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg adopted the law "On the strategic planning in St. Petersburg". According to the law, the basic document of strategic planning is a Strategy for Economic and Social development of St. Petersburg.

The Governor noticed that Strategy 2030 (adopted in May 2014) is almost entirely in line with the current legislation. He thanked the Board members for their active participation in the development of the city development strategy for the long term. «Now it’s time for realization our strategy. We have already had to achieve concrete results for sustainable economic growth in breakthrough areas. Our city has all the sources and a number of privileges for it», - Georgy Poltavchenko said. In his opinion it is necessary, first of all, to invest in the creation of high-tech companies capable of making a product with high added value, continue to support small and medium businesses, to create conditions for further business development.

On the meeting Elena Uliyanova, Chairman of the Committee for Economic Policy and Strategic Planning of Saint Petersburg, reported about measures for realization the law on strategic planning.

Abel Aganbegyan, Member of the Economic Council, Academician RAS, and Vladimir Okrepilov, Co-chairman of the Council, Academician RAS spoke about the adjustment of the targets of the Strategy-2030, taking into account the economic situation in the world, including in the Russian economy. Measures to restore economic growth in Russia and St. Petersburg were presented by Viktor Ivanter, Member of the Economic Council under the Governor of St. Petersburg, Academician RAS.


News and announcements of events of Administration of St. Petersburg are available on the website: http://gov.spb.ru/en/.


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