2009-10-16 :: The 7th Baltic Sea Region Ministers Conference

On October 16, 2009 the 7th Baltic Sea Region Ministers Conference responsible for spatial planning and development took place in Vilnius (Lithuania) was held.

The Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation did not form the official delegation. The Director-General of the ICSER Leontief Centre, member of the VASAB Committee I.A. Karelina was as an observer at the event.

The conference was mainly focused on the improvement of territorial integration of the Baltic Sea region, as well as on the integration of the region with other regions of Europe. The discussion was devoted to long-term perspective of territorial development of the Baltic Sea region regarding trends and challenges of territorial development, territorial cohesion and prospects up to 2030 with a focus on urban networks and urban-rural relations, accessibility, as well as planning and management of coastal zones.

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