2022-11-11 :: The annual AV RCI-2022 Regional Competitiveness Index has been published

The website of the Consortium Leontief Center - AV Group published the annual AV RCI-2022 Regional Competitiveness Index and the rating of regions in achieving national development goals. The rating reflects an assessment of the contribution of the regions in achieving the target indicators of national goals.

The basis for calculating the rating is the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 2020 No. 474 "On the National Development Goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030" and the Unified Plan for Achieving National Development Goals. They determine the structure and composition of indicators that are affected by the activities of the regions. To assess the rating, based on the achieved values of regional indicators, the actual contribution of the regions to the achievement of target indicators characterizing the achievement of the national goals of the Russian Federation is calculated.


You can get acquainted with the RCI-2022 AV Index and rating here

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