2022-05-23 :: R.M. Voronkov and A.B. Krylovsky took part in the XV session of urban planners "Mechanisms for the integrated development of territories for the implementation of urban policy decisions"

On May 19, Researcher of the Leontief Center, Chairman of the Council of the National Guild of Urban Planners, Director for Spatial Development of the LC-AV Consortium R.M. Voronkova and Managing Director of the LC-AV Consortium A.B. Krylovsky took part in the XV session of urban planners "Mechanisms for the integrated development of territories for the implementation of urban policy decisions", organized by the National Guild of Urban Planners. The session was held in a mixed format with the possibility of online connection on site and with the support of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences (Moscow). 

The conference was attended by experts and specialists in the field of strategic and spatial planning, urban planning, representatives of leading design institutes, urban planning universities, authorities, as well as representatives of the public.

R.M. Voronkova opened the session and moderated the round table "Master Plans in the System of Strategic and Territorial Planning Documents". A.B. Krylovsky took part in the discussion.

Video recording of the session of urban planners

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