2021-11-17 :: B.S. Zhikharevich took part in the V All-Russian Forum for Strategic Development "Cities of Russia 2030: Challenges and Actions" (Yekaterinburg)

November 17, Director of the Resource Center at the Leontief Center B.S. Zhikharevich took part in the V All-Russian Forum for Strategic Development "Cities of Russia 2030: Challenges and Actions" (November 17-18, Yekaterinburg) and acted as a moderator (together with the Head of the Economics Department of the Yekaterinburg Administration A.A. Pryadein) of the section "Territorial Development Strategies : assembly technology ”, organized jointly with the Leontief Center.


The event discussed: a unified methodology for strategic planning and other tools for aligning plans "horizontally" and "vertically"; coordination of interests, coordination of actions and accounting of resources in the process of municipal strategizing; territorial projections of regional, national, departmental priorities and strategies for the development of administrative districts of the largest city and documents of territorial / urban planning. Managing Director of the Consortium Leontief Center - AV Group A.B. Krylovsky presented the Consortium’s approach to the development of strategic planning documents.


The recording of the event is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyW1u0ETn04.

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