2021-03-19 :: Boris Zhikharevich and Rimma Voronkova Took Part in the 14th Urban Planners Session “Spatial Planning and Integrated Territorial Development” (March 18-19)

Boris Zhikharevich, Director of the Resource Centre for Strategic Planning under Leontief Centre, and Rimma Voronkova, Deputy Director of the Resource Centre for Strategic Planning under Leontief Centre, Director for Spatial Development, took part in the 14th Urban Planners Session “Spatial Planning and Integrated Territorial Development” held on March 18-19 online. http://ngup.ru/

Rimma Voronkova, Chair of National Urban Planners’ Guild Council, organized and moderated the panel discussion “Russia’s Spatial Development Strategy and Territorial Planning Practices” as part of the session. Boris Zhikharevich delivered a welcome address to the discussion participants and spoke about spatial development vision for Russia and its regions, about the strategists’ mission, and also about proposals for better cooperation between socio-economic planning and territorial planning.

Watch the session’s second day recording: https://youtu.be/v2xbzixAEMk


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