2020-05-15 :: The First Webinar Out of a Series “Strategic Planning Before and After 2020” Took Place
On May 15, a webinar entitled “Global Considerations for Strategic Planning: Natural, Technological, Social Risks and Adaptation” opened the webinar series “Strategic Planning Before and After 2020”. The series is organized by the Resource Centre for Strategic Planning under Leontief Centre in anticipation of the Strategic Planning Leaders Forum 2020.
Stepan Zemtsov, Cand. Sci. (Geogr.), Leading Researcher at Institute of Applied Economic Research RANEPA, spoke about natural, technological and social risks that are likely to arise in the coming decade. The webinar was attended by over 50 experts and local government officials.
Discussants include: Sergey Samartsev, Director, NGO “Urbex-Development”; Oleg Tolstoguzov, Head Researcher, Institute of Economics of the Karelian Research Centre RAS; Tatyana Krasnikova, Executive Director, Scientific Research LLC; Vladimir Klimanov, Director, Institute for Public Finance Reform; Dmitry Sanatov, Deputy Director, Center for Strategic Research “North-West” Foundation; Boris Zhikharevich, Director, Resource Centre for Strategic Planning under Leontief Centre, and others.
The webinar participants reached a consensus on the following discussion points: a) when developing strategies, risks and security issues should be carefully analyzed and taken into account, understanding that they will not always be included in the official document by the customer; b) strategic management should consider a crisis management plan; c) SMEs are the backbone of a territorial socio-economic system, strengthening its resilience and adaptability.
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