2019-05-21 :: Olga Iakimenko Held a Master Class for Schoolchildren “City for Children” (City of Pskov)
On May 21, the Head of Internet Projects and Marketing Communications Olga Iakimenko held a master class for schoolchildren “City for Children”, aimed to transform the Lenina street in Pskov into a safe, comfortable and attractive space for children. The master class was organized jointly with the Pskov City Administration, Humanitarian Lyceum and Green Mobility Initiative within the framework of the project “Cities.Multimodal - urban transport system in transition towards low carbon mobility” of the INTERREG Baltic Sea Region Programme 2014-2020. Tree houses, picnic spots in garden squares, a car-free street, bike paths, bike parkings, drinking fountains, hammocks – this is what a child-friendly street should look like.
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