news archive - 2009

28.12.2009 :: The Book "The best reform practices at regional and municipal levels in the Russian Federation"

In December it was published the book "The best reform practices at regional and municipal levels in the Russian Federation. Analysis of subnational projects of international financial organizations" - St. Petersburg: ICSER Leontief Centre, 2009. - p.

04.12.2009 :: Final meeting of the Organizing Committee of the VIII All-Russian Forum "Strategic Planning in Regions and Russian Cities"

On December 4, 2009 in Moscow in the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation there was a final meeting of the Organizing Committee of the VIII All-Russian Forum "Strategic Planning in Regions and Russian Cities".

25.11.2009 :: Conference "Urban regions as drivers - the new strategies in the Baltic Sea Region"

On 24-25 November in Nordregio (Stockholm) Head of the Research department N.Y. Oding took part in the conference "Urban regions as drivers - the new strategies in the Baltic Sea Region" where made a report on the cooperation of St. Petersburg in the Baltic Sea region.

18.11.2009 :: The Conference Dedicated to the 15th Anniversary of the Carnegie Moscow Center "20 Years without the Berlin Wall - A Breakthrough to Freedom"

On November 18, 2009 Director-General of ICSER Leontief Centre I.A. Karelina took part in the conference dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the Carnegie Moscow Center "20 Years without the Berlin Wall - A Breakthrough to Freedom".

17.11.2009 :: The Teleconference Organized by the World Bank

On November 17, 2009 at the St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Geography Leontief Centre’s employees L.E. Limonov and L.I. Savulkin participated in a teleconference organized by the World Bank. The conference was devoted to discussion of Report on Russian Economy №20 of the World Bank.

16.11.2009 :: A Round Table on Preparation for Holding the All-Russian Population Census 2010

On November 16, 2009 Senior Research Fellow of ICSER Leontief Centre Batchaev A.R. participated in a round table on preparation for holding of the All-Russian population census 2010.

13.11.2009 :: The final seminar of the subproject "An estimation of experience in the effective implementation of the investment program and the development of market institutions, the implementation of socio-economic reforms, improvement of the quality of management p

On November 13, 2009 the final seminar of the subproject "An estimation of experience in the effective implementation of the investment program and the development of market institutions, the implementation of socio-economic reforms, improvement of the quality of management policy of public debt within several IFI projects in the regions of the Russian Federation. The arrangement of seminars in regions and municipalities in order to disseminate the obtained results" under the project of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation "Technical assistance for budget reform at the regional level" took place at the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation in Moscow organized by the Leontief Centre.

11.11.2009 :: The Final Meeting of Students of Higher Educational Institutions of St. Petersburg Who Trained in the Leontief Centre

On November 11, 2009 the final meeting of students of higher educational institutions of St. Petersburg who trained in the Leontief Centre within the university research project arranged by the Association of Russian Economic Think Tanks (ARETT) (Moscow) was held.

10.11.2009 :: Meeting of Joint Interdisciplinary Seminar of ICSER Leontief Centre, Sociological Institute RAS, Economics and Mathematics Institute RAS "Economy and Society" and Higher School of Economics

On November 10 the regular meeting of joint interdisciplinary seminar of ICSER Leontief Centre, Sociological Institute RAS, Economics and Mathematics Institute RAS "Economy and Society" and Higher School of Economics was held.

31.10.2009 :: Jubilee Session Dedicated to 20th Anniversary of St. Petersburg Union of Scientists

On October 31, 2009 Director-General of Leontief Centre I.A. Karelina took part in the jubilee session dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the St. Petersburg Union of Scientists. I.A. Karelina was a member of the first Coordinating Council of the Leningrad Union of Scientists.

20.10.2009 :: VIII all-Russian Forum "Strategic planning in regions and cities of Russia"

The Forum was attended by over 800 representatives of Federal authorities, Executive and legislative branches of all the subjects of the Russian Federation, a number of municipalities, and representatives of business, scientific and expert community and journalists.

16.10.2009 :: The 7th Baltic Sea Region Ministers Conference

On October 16, 2009 the 7th Baltic Sea Region Ministers Conference responsible for spatial planning and development took place in Vilnius (Lithuania) was held.

02.10.2009 :: The General Meeting of Members and Observers of the Association of Russian Economic Think Tanks (ARETT)

On October 2, 2009 the general meeting of members and observers of the Association of Russian Economic Think Tanks (ARETT) was held in Moscow, where Director-General of ICSER Leontief Centre I.A. Karelina was reelected as a member of the executive board.

30.09.2009 :: The Global Contest of Works on Development Issues and Medals Awarding 2009

Global Development Network invites researchers from developing countries and countries with transition economies to present current development projects, completed or new researches.

25.09.2009 :: ARETT Public Debates on Migration Issues Held in the Far East for the First Time

On September 25, 2009 B.S. Zhikharevich performed as a moderator of ARETT Public Debates on migration issues held for the first time in Vladivostok.

25.09.2009 :: Meeting with Luc Van den Brande, President of the Committee of the Regions (CoR)

On September 25, 2009 the meeting with Mr. Luc Van den Brande, President of the Committee of the Regions (CoR) was held in St. Petersburg, ICSER Leontief Centre.

23.09.2009 :: Annual City Event "St. Petersburg Entrepreneur’s Day"

On September 23, 2009 Director for Administration and Finance of Leontief Centre, Member of the Public Council for SMEs Development under the Governor of St. Petersburg I.I. Ulyanov took part in the annual city event "St. Petersburg Entrepreneur’s Day" and gave a speech to students of 9-11 forms of Admiralteysky district schools. He performed in the Palace of children’s creativity "By Voznesensky Bridge" and reported on the youth programs of small business support, which are realizing in St. Petersburg, including the special program "Basics of entrepreneurship for pupils".

18.09.2009 :: Jubilee Meeting Dedicated to 20th Anniversary of the Founding of the Company "Eurofacts"

On September 18, 2009 Director for Administration and Finance I.I. Ulyanov took part in the jubilee meeting dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the founding of the company "Eurofacts" in Helsinki that was the first foreign partner of the Leontief Centre and with whom the Centre has worked for all these years on many important projects for Russia and Finland.

16.09.2009 :: Meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013

On September 15-16, 2009 in Oslo (Norway) Director General of the Leontief Centre, Executive Secretary of RNSC I.A. Karelina took part in the meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013.

04.09.2009 :: A Book "Economic Styles in the Process of EU Eastern Enlargement"

The publishing house NOMOS (Baden-Baden) published a book "Economic Styles in the Process of EU Eastern Enlargement". Edited by Heinz Rieter / Joachim Zweynert.

31.08.2009 :: The Meeting of the Russian Innovation Week Program Committee (St. Petersburg Part)

On August 31 the Head of Territorial Strategic Planning Department B.S. Zhikharevich attended a meeting of the Russian Innovation Week Program Committee (St. Petersburg part).

06.07.2009 :: Meeting of the Organizing Committee on Preparation to Annual VIII All-Russian Forum "Strategic Planning in the Regions and Cities of Russia" - POST-CRISIS WORLD AND NEW CHALLENGES FOR STRATEGIC TERRITORIAL AGENDAS

On July 6, 2009 in Moscow the second meeting of the Organizing Committee on preparation to Annual VIII All-Russian Forum "Strategic Planning in the Regions and Cities of Russia" - POST-CRISIS WORLD AND NEW CHALLENGES FOR STRATEGIC TERRITORIAL AGENDAS was held at the Ministry of Regional Development (Forum will be held on October 19-20, 2009 in St. Petersburg.

02.07.2009 :: A Meeting of the Russian-Polish Council for Cooperation between St. Petersburg Region of the Russian Federation and Regions of the Republic of Poland

On July 1-2, 2009 St. Petersburg hosted the regular meeting of the Russian-Polish Council for cooperation of St. Petersburg region of the Russian Federation and the regions of the Republic of Poland.

30.06.2009 :: A Round Table "Creative Industries of St. Petersburg - Basis of New Public Spaces?"

On June 30, 2009 E.G. Belova, Secretary General of ICSER Leontief Centre, took part in the round table "Creative Industries of St. Petersburg - Basis of New Public Spaces?".

18.06.2009 :: Siberian State Service Academy has expressed its thanks to the employees of the Leontief Centre

Siberian State Service Academy has expressed its thanks to the employees of the Leontief Centre for the fruitful comprehensive collaboration in the field of personnel training of the public and local authorities within the Siberian federal district

16.06.2009 :: Meeting of the council of experts of the State Duma Committee on Federal Affairs and Regional Policy

On June, 16, 2009 in Moscow Director-General of the Leontief Centre Irina Karelina took part in the meeting of the council of experts of the State Duma Committee on Federal Affairs and Regional Policy.

16.06.2009 :: Meeting of the Organizational Committee on preparation of the VIII annual forum of Strategic Planning in the Cities and Regions of Russia

On June, 16 in Moscow at the Ministry for Regional Development the first meeting of the Organizational Committee on preparation of the VIII annual forum of Strategic Planning in the Cities and Regions of Russia “Post Crisis World and New Challenges for Strategic Territorial Agendas” (October 19-20, 2009, Saint-Petersburg) took place.

15.06.2009 :: IBRD seminar, devoted to the work of the bank in Russia

On June, 15 in Saint-Petersburg (Pushkin) Leonid Limonov took part in the IBRD seminar, devoted to the work of the bank in Russia, where he made a report Problems of Organization and Evaluation of the International Financial Organizations Projects, Carried out within the Regions of Russian Federation.

11.06.2009 :: International conference devoted to the sustainable spatial development

On June, 11 in Kiev, Director General of the Leontief Centre Irina Karelina took part in the international conference devoted to the sustainable spatial development, which was held under the aegis of the Council of Europe in the framework of the European Conference of Ministers responsible for Regional/Spatial Planning (СЕМАТ).

10.06.2009 :: Head of Territorial Strategic Planning Department B.S. Zhikharevich Awarded a Diploma of XVI All-Russian Forum "Geoinformation Market in Russia"

On June 10, 2009, Head of Territorial Strategic Planning Department B.S. Zhikharevich awarded a diploma of XVI All-Russian Forum "Geoinformation market in Russia. The current state and prospects of development".

10.06.2009 :: Monitoring Committee meeting of the Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013

On June, 9-10 in Vilnius, Director General of the Leontief Centre Irina Karelina took part in the Monitoring Committee meeting of the Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013.

25.05.2009 :: On May 25, 2009 in the Leontief Centre the seminar was held for St Petersburg students

On May 25, 2009 in the Leontief Centre the seminar was held for St Petersburg students, selected for training in the Leontief Centre in the framework of Association of Russian Economic Think Tanks (ARETT) University Project

23.05.2009 :: In the Leontief Center professor Y. Molotkov, the Dean of the Faculty of Siberian Academy of Public Administration, was trained

In the period 15-23 May 2009 in the Leontief Center professor Y. Molotkov, the Dean of the Faculty of Siberian Academy of Public Administration, was trained.

20.05.2009 :: Roundtable discussion at the Economic Faculty of the St. Petersburg State University during the meeting with Ronald Coase Institute representatives

On May 20, 2009 experts of the research department Denis Kadochnikov, Lev Savulkin and Nina Oding took part in the roundtable discussion at the Economic Faculty of the St. Petersburg State University during the meeting with Ronald Coase Institute representatives.

20.05.2009 :: Article of Elena Belova, Secretary General of Leontief Centre «Remembering Wassily Leontief in Russia» was published

In May Newsletter of International Input-Output Association (IIOA) the article of Elena Belova, Secretary General of Leontief Centre «Remembering Wassily Leontief in Russia» was published.

18.05.2009 :: In the Leontief Centre the meeting with WBI Knowledge Director and Head of the World Bank Institute Moscow Office

On May 18, 2009 in the Leontief Centre the meeting with WBI Knowledge Director Bruno Laporte and Head of the World Bank Institute Moscow Office Tatyana Leonova was held.

14.05.2009 :: Recording of TV training programme in St Petersburg State University of Film and Television

On 14 May, 2009 Leontief Centre Senior researcher Artur Batchaev participated in recording of TV training programme in St Petersburg State University of Film and Television.

13.05.2009 :: Official ceremony of the rewarding of recipients 2008 with premiums in name of Professor Boris Ovsievich

On May 13, 2009 in St Petersburg (House of Scientists) the official ceremony of the rewarding of recipients 2008 with premiums in name of Professor Boris Ovsievich for the fundamental economic-mathematical researches executed in Russia will be held.

30.04.2009 :: North-West of Russia in the Baltic Sea Region: Challenges and Prospects for Economic Interaction and Cooperation

North-West of Russia in the Baltic Sea Region: Challenges and Prospects for Economic Interaction and Cooperation: Monograph / Edited by J. Zaukha, G.M. Fedorova, L.E. Limonov, N.Y. Oding. - Kaliningrad: Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University Publishing House, 2008. - 259 p.

21.04.2009 :: Seminar of stakeholders was held with the focus on "Long Term Perspective for the Baltic Sea Region Territorial Development: Policies and Actions" (LTP)of the VASAB program

On April 21, 2009 in Riga (Latvia) the seminar of stakeholders was held with the focus on "Long Term Perspective for the Baltic Sea Region Territorial Development: Policies and Actions" (LTP)of the VASAB program.

16.04.2009 :: Days of St. Petersburg in Helsinki

On 14-16 April, 2009 Director General of Leontief Centre Irina Karelina as the member of St Petersburg delegation took part in the celebration events: Days of St. Petersburg in Helsinki.

10.04.2009 :: Regular meeting of St Petersburg High School students, who were invited to study in the Leontief Centre in the framework

On April 10, 2009 in Leontief Centre the regular meeting of St Petersburg High School students, who were invited to study in the Leontief Centre in the framework of Association of Russian Economic Think Tanks (ARETT) University Project, was held.

20.03.2009 :: Round table Reforms of the State and Municipal Management in Russia: Results and Prospects in the New Economic Conditions"

On March 20, 2009 Boris Zhikharevich, Director of Resource Centre on Strategic Planning under Leontief Centre took part in the round table Reforms of the State and Municipal Management in Russia: Results and Prospects in the New Economic Conditions".

20.03.2009 :: Meeting of Council of the Federation Committee on Federal Affairs and Regional Policies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation

On March 20, 2009 Boris Zhikharevich, Director of Resource Centre on Strategic Planning under Leontief Centre took part in the meeting of Council of the Federation Committee on Federal Affairs and Regional Policies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

19.03.2009 :: Leontief Centre was included in the Register of All-Russia Honour Book

For the reason of St Petersburg City Administration offer, International Centre for Social and Economic Research Leontief Centre was included in the Register of All-Russia Honour Book.

19.03.2009 :: Round table Crisis Symptoms and Crisis Management Measures at St Petersburg Enterprises

On March 19, 2009 in press centre of Information Agency Rosbalt, Nina Oding, Head of the Research Department took part in the Round table Crisis Symptoms and Crisis Management Measures at St Petersburg Enterprises. Economic Sentiment of Factory Managers.

11.03.2009 :: Starting seminar with participation of St Petersburg High School students, who were invited to study in the Leontief Centre in the framework

On March 11, 2009 in the Leontief Centre the starting seminar with participation of St Petersburg High School students, who were invited to study in the Leontief Centre in the framework of Association of Russian Economic Think Tanks (ARETT) University Project and Federal Project Economy: Theory, Policy, Investments, was held.

06.03.2009 :: The collection of VII All-Russia Forum of Strategic Planning Leaders materials

The collection of VII All-Russia Forum of Strategic Planning Leaders materials was published (176 pages).

05.03.2009 :: Meeting with representatives of the Western Cape Investment and Trade Promotion Agency

On March 5, 2009 in the Leontief Centre the meeting with Mrs. Elizabeth Pio and Mr. Craig Lembo, representatives of the Western Cape Investment and Trade Promotion Agency (South Africa) was held.

05.03.2009 :: Meeting of Council of the Federation Committee on Federal Affairs and Regional Policies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation

On March 5, 2009 in Moscow Artur Batchaev, senior researcher of Territorial Strategic Planning Department of Leontief Centre took part in the meeting of Council of the Federation Committee on Federal Affairs and Regional Policies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

03.03.2009 :: The Leontief Centre’s Website

The Annual Report 2008 is available on the Leontief Centre’s website in the section "About Us".

01.03.2009 :: VIII Baltic Forum of Non-Profit Organizations

On February 26 - March 1, 2009 Secretary General of ICSER Leontief Centre E.G. Belova took part in the VIII Baltic Forum of Non-profit Organizations, which was held in Elsinore (Denmark) and gathered more than 120 civil society organizations in the Baltic Sea region. Companies arrived to the Forum, represented various activities: social challenges, human rights, environmental challenges, culture and education.

28.02.2009 :: VIII Conference Leontief Readings: Economics and Law from the series of Leontief Readings

On February 27-28, 2009 in St Petersburg (Hotel Ambassador Conference Hall) the VIII Conference Leontief Readings: Economics and Law from the series of Leontief Readings was held.

26.02.2009 :: Ceremony of Laying Flowers to Memorial Plaque of Wassily Leontief

On February 11, 2009 within VII Conference “Leontief Readings” it was held a ceremony of laying flowers to memorial plaque on the house at Zhdanovskaya Street 43 where Wassily Leontief, well-known economist, Nobel Prize Winner in Economics, Founder of Leontief Centre, had been living in 1906-1925.

19.02.2009 :: Discussions “Real sector and Crisis: state of art, trends and support instruments”

Association of Russian Economic Think Tanks (ARETT) is inviting for Round table discussions “Real sector and Crisis: state of art, trends and support instruments”, which will take place in Moscow on the 19 of February 2009 at 6p.m.

05.02.2009 :: Ten years have passed since the death of Wassily Leontief.

On February 5, 2009 ten years have passed since the death of Wassily Leontief. On this day the flowers was laid to the memorial plaque on the facade of the Leontief family house on Zhdanovskaya Street 43. In this very house Wassily Leontief, famous economist, future Nobel-Prize Winner and the Leontief Centre founder lived during 1906-1925.

01.02.2009 :: In 2009 10 years from the death of Wassilly Leontief

In 2009 10 years from the death of Wassilly Leontief, St. Petersburg-born economist and Nobel Prize winner have passed.

20.01.2009 :: Workshop Development of Russian Regions in the Context of Overcoming the Consequences of the World Financial Crisis

On January 20, Leonid Limonov, Director-Coordinator for Research Programmes took part in the workshop Development of Russian Regions in the Context of Overcoming the Consequences of the World Financial Crisis.

20.01.2009 :: Meeting of the interdisciplinary seminar

On January 20, 2009 in Conference Hall of Leontief Centre the meeting of the interdisciplinary seminar took place. On the seminar were presented following presentations: Nature of Economic Crisis: Alternative Approach Speaker: Andrey Zaostrovtsev, St.Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance, Leontief Centre, Candidate of Economic Science World Economic Crisis: Causes and Development Trends Speaker: Leonid Grigoriev, President of Institute for Energy and Finance Foundation, Candidate of Economic Science.

11.01.2009 :: Grateful to Irina Karelina and Info Pint experts in St Petersburg, created on the Leontief Centre base, for trustful and successful teamwork

Joint Technical Secretariat of Baltic Sea Region Programme is grateful to Irina Karelina and Info Pint experts in St Petersburg, created on the Leontief Centre base, for trustful and successful teamwork and also for involvement of Russian partners in the BSR INTERREG III B NP and the Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013.

01.01.2009 :: Functions of Local Support Office (LSO) of EC projects in Saint-Petersburg will be passed to Leontief Centre

From January 1, 2009 the functions of Local Support Office (LSO) of EC projects in Saint-Petersburg will be passed to Leontief Centre – as a profile organization fulfilling the functions of the secretariat of Russian national sub-committee of Baltic Sea Region Programme and is the main organization for Information office of Program secretariat.

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XXI Annual Strategic Planning Leaders Forum of the Regions and Cities of Russia