Investment Planning Department


Head of the Department:
Olga V. Rusetskaya, Cand. of Economic Sc., Associate Professor
Tel.: (812) 746-89-06


Investment Planning Department was established in Leontief Centre in November 1994. Since then it has executed the projects in the field of investment regulation, investment and business planning, strategic planning, evaluation conditions and results of operation of Russian companies et al., published reference books on investment activities.

The Department’s employees are actively involved in Leontief Centre major projects and are teaching at St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Leontief Centre Chair in HSE St. Petersburg.


Main publications

Reference Books

  1. How to Invest in St. Petersburg. Manual: First edition. - St. Petersburg, 1999. – 111 p. 
  2. Investment Guide: St.Petersburg and Leningrad Oblast. - St.Petersburg.: Piterland, 2000. – 82 p. 
  3. How to Invest in St. Petersburg. Manual: Third edition. - St. Petersburg, 2001. – 120 p. 
  4. How to Invest in St. Petersburg. Manual: Forth edition. - St. Petersburg, 2003. – 138 p.
  5. Infrastructure of Business Support in St. Petersburg. Manual. - St. Petersburg: Committee on Economic Development, Industrial Policy and Trade of St. Petersburg, ICSER Leontief Centre, 2003. - 140 p. 
  6. How to Invest in St. Petersburg. Manual: Fifth edition. - St. Petersburg, 2004. – 182 p. 
  7. How to Invest in St. Petersburg. Manual: Sixth edition. - St. Petersburg, 2005. – 192 p.
  8. How to Invest in St. Petersburg. Manual: Eighth edition. - St. Petersburg, 2008. – 200 p. 


  1. Management: Textbook for Bachelors / ed. A.N. Petrov. - 2nd ed., rev. and ext. - M.: Urait, 2016. - 645 p. 
  2. Organization Theory: Textbook for Bachelors / O.V. Rusetskaya, L.A. Trofimova, E.V. Pesotskaya. - M.: Urait, 2016. - 391 p. 
  3. Regional Economy and Spatial Development. In 2 volumes: Textbook for Bachelor and Master Programmes / L. E. Limonov [et al.]; ed. B.S. Zhikharevich, N.Y. Oding, O.V. Rusetskaya; gen. ed. L. E. Limonov – 2nd ed., revised and extended - M.: Urait, 2017. – 367 p.


Articles in Journals Included in the HAC List

  1. Statements and Actual Priorities of Regional and Local Authorities: Identifying and Comparing Approach / B.S. Zhikharevich, N.B. Zhunda, O.V. Rusetskaya // Region: Economy and Sociology. – 2013. - № 2 (78). – 1.8 p.s. (including contribution of the author – 0,6 p.s.)
  2. Salary of Municipal Officials in Russian Cities and Towns / B.S. Zhikharevich, O.V. Rusetskaya // Proceedings of Russian Geographical Society. - 2013. - № 3. - 0,8 p.s. (including contribution of the author – 0,4 p.s.)
  3. Fluctuations in the Socioeconomic Development of Russian Cities: Methodology and Results of Calculating the Rank Vector of Dynamics / B.S. Zhikharevich, O.V. Rusetskaya // St. Petersburg: Proceedings of Russian Geographical Society. - 2014. - V. 146, № 4. - pp. 1-12 - 0.63 p.s. (including contribution of the author – 0,32 p.s.)
  4. What Do Volatile Municipal Budgets Hide and Tell us about? / B.S. Zhikharevich, O.V. Rusetskaya // Finance and Business. - 2015. - № 1. - pp. 107-119 - 0.86 p.s. (including contribution of the author – 0,43 p.s.)  

Articles in Journals Presented in International Indexing Databases

  1. Salary of municipal officials in Russian cities and towns / B. S. Zhikharevich, O. V. Rusetskaya // Regional Research of Russia. October 2013, Volume 3, Issue 4. – 0,8 p.s. (including contribution of the author – 0,4 p.s.)
  2. B. Zhikharevich, O.Rusetskaya and N. Mladenovic. Clustering cities based on their development dynamics and Variable neighborhood search. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 47 (2015) 213–220. - 0,39 p.s. (including contribution of the author – 0,13 p.s.)
  3. Fluctuations in the Socioeconomic Development of Russian Cities: Methodology and Results of Calculating the Rank Vector of Dynamics / B. S. Zhikharevich, O. V. Rusetskaya // Regional Research of Russia. 2015, Volume 5, No 1, pp. 37–44. – 0,69 p.s. (including contribution of the author – 0,34 p.s.).


Main projects



XXI Annual Strategic Planning Leaders Forum of the Regions and Cities of Russia