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(2006) Territorial Strategic Planning: Measuring Results

Territorial Strategic Planning: Measuring Results / Reports of participants of the Fourth All-Russia Forum of Strategic Planning Leaders, October 20-21, 2005. Science Editor - Dr. B.S. Zhikharevich. – St. Petersburg: International Centre for Social and Economic Research Leontief Centre, 2006.-112 p. Edition 700 copies.
The publication overviews the condition of territorial strategic planning in Russia at the end of 2005, presented in participants’ reports of the Fourth All-Russia Forum of Strategic Planning Leaders. The materials were grouped into 4 sections. In the first two sections you could find reports on the concrete practice in development and implementation of strategic plans at regional and local levels. The third brief section is devoted to the presentation of the series of donor projects and organizations. Methodic and resumptive reports are presented in the fourth section. Moreover, the program, list of participants and Forum recommendations are also included into this book.

(2006) The Problems of Russian Economy and Policy

The Problems of Russian Economy and Policy/ A.P. Zaostrovtsev – International Centre for Social and Economic Research Leontief Centre.– St. Petersburg: ICSER Leontief Centre, 2006 – 484 p., 300 copies.
The publication was prepared on the base of Sixth Conference “Leontief Readings” participants reports. The conference “Problems of Ecomomic Theory and Policy” from the “Leontief Readings” cycle was held on September 29-30, 2006 in Saint Petersburg. It was devoted to outstanding scientist, Nobel Prize Winner in Economics Wassily Leontief’s Centenary. Famous Russian and foreign scientists took part in the conference. They discussed actual problems of Economics and Russian economy transformation including issues of economic policy, demography development, modern economic and mathematical methods and its application to economic analysis, evolution of political, social and economic institutes in Russia.
The publication can be useful for research officers, teachers of social and economic disciplines, post-graduates and students of public sciences, journalists and all whom interested in Russian Economy conditions.
The publication was printed under support of Saint Petersburg Government.

(2005) Territorial Strategic Planning at the New Stage of Reforms

Territorial Strategic Planning at the New Stage of Reforms/ Reports of Participants of the Third All-Russian Forum of Strategic Planning Leaders held on October 20th-21st 2004.- Science Editor - Dr. B.S. Zhikharevich. – St. Petersburg: International Centre for Social and Economic Research Leontief Centre, 2005. – 128 p. Edition – 750 copies.
The publication overviews condition of territorial strategic planning in Russia at the end of 2004 presented in the reports of participants of the Third All-Russian Forum of Strategic Planning Leaders. All materials were structured into 4 groups. In two first sections the examples of particular cities/ districts or regions are presented on the base of reports of direct strategic planning participants. The emphasis was focused on coordination problems of plans implementation, quantified indicators of objectives achievement. Second section was devoted to projects based on the principle of public-private partnerships, which is more adequate to strategic objectives achievement. The third section contains of materials on donor projects or project of consulting and educational organizations in the field of strategic planning. The fourth section combined general methodological reports.

(2005) Public-Private Partnership during Strategic Plans Implementation: Practice and Recommendations

Public-Private Partnership during Strategic Plans Implementation: Practice and Recommendations. - St. Petersburg: International Centre for Social and Economic Research Leontief Centre, 2005. – 32 p. Edition – 500 copies.
By present time local authority bodies have faced lots of problems such as updating of engineering infrastructure, functioning of housing and utilities infrastructure, territorial development etc, which couldn’t be solved only by budgetary funds. Therefore the most actual task for local authorities is a creation of organizational frames for cooperation between public and private sectors, attraction of non-governmental investment to solve problems of social and economic development. The publication overviews the theory of public-private partnerships and analysis of Russian best practices of cooperation between public and private sectors during implementation of regional development projects in the process of strategic planning as well as recommendations on improvement of this practice.

(2005) Medium-Term Financial Planning in Regions and Municipalities

Medium-Term Financial Planning in Regions and Municipalities. Manual, Practical Recommendations has been published / series Financial Planning Project. – St. Petersburg, ICSER Leontief Centre, 2006. – 240 p.
This brochure has concluded series of editions published in the framework of Financial Planning Project. The first part contains of training course concerning planning of territorial public sector. This course is destined for representatives of financial bodies. This manual was prepared on the base of analytical, normative and methodical materials developed during implementation of Financial Planning Project. The materials of final Project Seminar, which was carried out in November 2004 in St. Petersburg, are presented in the second part of the brochure. Main results of the Project, estimations of implementation practice in pilot regions and municipalities were discussed during the Seminar. Representatives of federal, regional and local authority bodies participated in the Seminar. This book is addressed to representatives of regional and municipal authority bodies.

(2005) The Actual Problems of Russian Economic Development

The Actual Problems of Russian Economic Development / L.E. Limonov. St. Petersburg: ICSER Leontief Centre, 2005 – 200 p.
The collection was prepared on the base of reports presented during the fifth annual Conference Actual Problems of Russian Economic Development – Leontief Readings. The Conference was devoted to the memory of the great scientist, economist, Nobel Prize winner Wassily. W. Leontief and took place in St. Petersburg in February 2005 with participation of lead world and Russian researches, representatives of business environment and City Administration. The problems connected with structural reforms in Russia, state and law economy as well as territorial development: problems of regional and local economic policy and management were discussed during the Conference. Most of presented in this collection articles are based on verbatim reports and presentations made on the plenary sessions. The publication is recommended to representatives of local and regional authority bodies, researches, tutors, postgraduates and final-year students.

(2005) Life Standards of St Petersburg Population : 1990-2004

K. Muzdybaev: Life Standards of St. Petersburg Population : 1990-2004. St. Petersburg: ICSER Leontief Centre, 2005, 144 p.
Changes in life standards of St. Petersburg population for 1990-2004 (annual dynamics of revenues, subsistence wage, consumption of foodstuff, clothes quality, household goods, housing, health level, satisfaction with life, emotional pains etc) were analyzed in this book. Comparative analysis of life standards in Russia, Moscow and St. Petersburg is overviewed. Differences in life standards of different social groups (workers, representatives of public and private sectors, pensioners, top-managers, students, unemployed) were investigated. The book contains large statistical materials from 1990 to 2004, data from surveys of Russian population since 1992, results of social studies of life standards in St. Petersburg in different times.
Materials included into the book assigned not only for researches and analysts but for business people, politicians, administrative workers and others

(2004) Participation of Business Undertakings in Implementation and Realization of Economic Policy: Experience and Recommendations

Participation of business undertakings in implementation and realization of economic policy: experience and recommendations. Scientific Editor – Dr. Boris Zhikharevich – St. Petersburg: ICSER Leontief Center 2004. – 24 pp.. Edition – 250 copies.
As the business undertakings structuring, business associations and unions development practice of business circles attraction to economic policy forming began to develop in Russia. However attempt to put up the dialogue between business and government rest on absence of legislative guarantee and this process realization gear. Analysis of foreign practice and native experience of participations of businessmen and business unions in implementation and realization of economic policy organization was carried out in this work. Recommendations on improving of interaction when economic policy forming was given to authorities and business undertakings on the basis of this analysis. These recommendations particularly take aim at widening of SME opportunities, and majestic tasks to gross domestic product doubling are hardly to realize without SME participation.

(2004) Obstacles to Investment in Real Estate in St. Petersburg

Obstacles to Investment in Real Estate in St. Petersburg/L. E. Limonov (ed.); International Centre for Social and Economic Research “Leontief Centre” – Saint-Petersburg: ICSER “Leontief Centre”, 2004.- 23 p. с.
At present, St. Petersburg faces a serious challenge to revive crisis-stricken areas and renovate their deteriorating buildings and infrastructure. To lure large-scale private resources for that purpose, the City must create special conditions for investments in real-estate development that would drastically reduce developers risks and transaction costs. This brochure contains an analysis of the present status of the real-estate development market in St. Petersburg and an assessment of its prospects based on a market participants survey conducted in the autumn of 2003. It also offers proposals on how the City could improve the existing general legal, institutional and information environment for real-estate development in St. Petersburg and establish efficient private-public partnerships in situations when priority development of the most problem-ridden areas requires concerted action by both government and business structures.

(2004) Territorial Strategic Planning: Technology of Success

Territorial Strategic Planning: Technology of Success: Reports of the Second All-Russia Forum of Strategic Planning Leaders, October 19-21, 2003. Scientific Editor – Boris Zhikharevich. - St. Petersburg: International Center for Social and Economic Research Leontief Centre, (Territorial Strategic Planning. Edition e 4.), 2004. - 128 pp. Circulation - 750 copies.
The publication captures the condition of territorial strategic planning in Russia at the end of 2003, reflected in the reports of the Second All-Russia Forum of Strategic Planning Leaders. Materials are grouped into 4 sections. The first two sections deal with specific examples of individual cities (regions) or regions based on the reports directly involved in strategic planning. The third section contains materials about the projects of donor or counseling and educational organizations in strategic planning. The fourth section combines the reports of the synthesis and methodological nature.

(2004) Territorial Economic Strategic Planning: 35 Years of Canadian Experience

Territorial Economic Strategic Planning: 35 Years of Canadian Experience. Scientific edi­tor — Dr. of Science B. Zhikharevich. — SPb.: International Centre for Socio-Economic Re­search "Leontief Centre", 2004. — 288 p. ISBN 5-900814-58-0
The monograph focuses on strategic planning practices implemented in towns, cities and regions in Canada. It is substantially based on information provided by Canadian practitioners — economic developers working for municipalities or regions or as independent consultants. It deals with general issues of strategic planning techniques and the methods of involving individual citizen stakeholders and community institu­tions in the planning process as well as with local economic policy priorities, i. e. the promotion of enterpreneurship, retention of the existing and attraction of new businesses, development of territories, sup­port for individual sectors. The monograph comprises examples of economic strategies and strategic plans developed in a number of towns and regions in Canada.

(2004) Methodic Support of Medium-Term Financial Planning in Regions and Municipalities has been published

Methodic Support of Medium-Term Financial Planning in Regions and Municipalities has been published/ series Financial Planning Project. – ISCER Leontief Centre, 2004. – 192 p. ISBN 5-1900814-62-9
Conceptual bases of medium-term financial planning, which give an insight on its aims, objectives, approaches and methods and are developed further in specific methodic recommendations, are presented in this book.
Methodic recommendations include sections devoted to prognosis development of revenues and expenses of territorial budgets, calculation of interbudgetary transfers, prognosis of state debt liability etc. Methodic recommendations open the content of main steps and concrete plans which develops the system of medium-term financial planning in close cooperation with social and economic planning and budget process in region and municipality.

(2004) Actual Problems of Social Sphere Transformation

Actual Problems of Social Sphere Transformation / S.A. Vasiliev. ICSER Leontief Centre, 384 p. – St. Petersburg, 2004. Edition – 500 copies.
The monograph was prepared on the base of materials of the joint interdisciplinary seminar of Leontief Centre and Sociological Institute of Russian Academy of Science (RAS), which had took place since the end of 2002 till July 2003. Famous specialists – sociologists, social philosophers, economists, historians, lead journalists, deputies of State Duma and St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly participated in the seminars.
The monograph could be interesting for researchers, tutors, consultants, and students interesting in modern social and economic problems.

(2003) Infrastructure of Business Support in St. Petersburg. 2003

Infrastructure of business support in St. Petersburg. 2003. Russian, English, 280 pp.
The publication was prepared by Committee on Economic Development, Industrial Policy and Trade of St. Petersburg Administration and International Centre on Social and Economic Research Leontief Centre. It describe legal fields of organization, running and liquidation of business in St. Petersburg, relations with local and federal authorities.

(2003) Rehabilitation of the Historical Center: Experience of St. Petersburg

Rehabilitation of the Historical Center: Experience of St. Petersburg. – ICSER Leontief Centre, - Saint-Petersburg: limited company - Editorship Limbus Press, 2003. – 160 p.
The publication contains recommendations on the project organization and realization of historical city center reconstruction with the assistance of international financial institutions and private investors. The basis of the recommendations is experience obtained by the St. Petersburg during the implementation of the city center reconstruction project, which was pursued with the involvement of the World Bank loan. Information about the stages of the project’s organization and arrangements for its implementation, the content of the main directions of the chosen strategy for reconstruction of the city center, focused on attracting private investment, are provided in the publication. The publication is targeted at cities and regions administration professionals, which deal with spatial and socio-economic development of the city.

(2003) The Territorial Strategic Planning under Transition to Market Economy: The Russian Cities Experience

The Territorial Strategic Planning under Transition to Market Economy: The Russian Cities Experience / B. Zhihkarevich, L. Limonov. Under the common edition of Dr. of Science S. Vasiliev . St. Petersburg ICSER “ Leontief Centre” 2003 384 pp.
The monograph was prepared by specialists of Leontief Centre on the basis of research and practical experience, obtained in time of developing the first Strategic plan of St. Petersburg and consulting by number of Russian cities administration. This work reflects the up-to-date situation of theories, methods and practices of territorial strategic planning in Russia. Was considered the original technology of the Strategic planning, the substantial problems of reforming of the separate branches of municipal economy and social spare, the practice of strategic planning in the different cities. This monograph can be useful for researchers, teachers, consultants, also specialists of the city and region administrations, involved in the problems of the territorial social-economic development.

(2003) Social Planning of Local Civil Community in the Framework of Municipal Education

Social Planning of Local Civil Community in the Framework of Municipal Education. V.N. Vinogradov, O.V. Erlikh. Manual. – St. Petersburg: Leontief Center, 2003. – 136 pp.
This manual continues the edition series began in 1999 and consecrated to social aspects of strategic territorial planning. In this book are represented St. Petersburg Center of Assistance to Initiative of Civil Population “Civil Project” approaches to methodology, technology and methods of formation of local civil communities. Also have been considered experience and results of creating systems of municipal formations self-organization as subjects of local government. This book is a practical manual for specialists dealing with social planning in the framework of municipal formations. The material enables managers, heads of non-for-profit organizations, business leaders, and initiative groups of municipal formations to develop and implement social projects directed to current problems solving in sphere of social policy (youth policy, education and culture, ecology and employment problems, population policy, health protection and public initiatives).

(2003) Strategic Planning in Cities – Methods and Practice

Strategic Planning in Cities – Methods and Practice. – ICSER Leontief Center, - St. Petersburg: Publishing House “Limbus Press”, 2003. – 208 pp.
Formed in Leontief Center technology of creating of strategic planning system, development and implementation of city strategic plan is analyzed in this edition. Also one can find a description of modern experience of city planning in Russian cities different on size and type. Represented the information about organizations and structures that render informational or financial support to the government and concerned with strategic planning. The edition is addressed to specialists of city and region government, dealing with problems of spatial and socio-economic city development.

(2003) Development Strategy of Kazan up to 2015

Development Strategy of Kazan up to 2015 / Kazan Administration, the General Council of Kazan strategic development .- Saint-Petersburg.: Leontief Centre , 2003. - 116. 500 copies., Russ. Eng. Total edition: Vladimir Gritskih, Boris Zhikharevich, Leonid Limonov.
The publication contains the official text of the Development Strategy of Kazan up to 2015, adopted by the General Council of Kazan strategic development on April 16, 2003 and approved by the Council of Kazan People’s Deputies on April 24, 2003. Strategy defines the city mission and the three strategic directions: Cohesive society, Dynamic economy, Sustainable urban environment. Goals, objectives and measures for their implementation are defined in each direction. In addition, a complex mega-project is formed, aimed at improving primary living environment (housing and social infrastructure) in the course of reforming the housing and the development of housing sector.

(2003) How to Develop a Strategic Plan. Practical Manual

How to Develop a Strategic Plan. Practical Manual. Saint-Petersburg: International Centre for Social and Economic Research Leontief Centre, 2003. – 96 p. (Territorial strategic planning. Edition 3). Circulation - 700 copies.
The publication continues a series of publications, which was initiated in 2000 by brochure Territorial Strategic Planning based on Broad Public Participation and continued in 2002 by book Territorial Strategic Planning. First lessons of Russian Practice. Practical manual contains guidelines for developing a strategic plan for the city by leading members of the Resource Centre of Strategic Planning under Leontief Centre. The manual is intended for specialists of municipalities. Examples from real papers and documents are used as illustrative materials. The steps involved in strategic plan developing are laid in basis of the logic of presentation, in accordance with innovation technology used by Leontief Centre.


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XXI Annual Strategic Planning Leaders Forum of the Regions and Cities of Russia